Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Delivery Modes Matrix

A straightforward explanation of various modes of delivering distance learning (e.g., traditional, synchronous video, hybrid, fully online) from Old Dominion University. The matrix does not seem fully comprehensive but it can serve as a primer.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

George Orwell: Blogger?

Starting August 9th, George Orwell's diaries will be published online in blog format at the Orwell Diaries. Each blog post will mirror the diary entries - only 70 years in the future. It's an interesting way to present the material (which, prior to this project, hasn't been widely published) & hopefully it will introduce Orwell's writing to a new audience.

As someone who hasn't always been the hugest fan of blogs, I am intrigued by the idea of one of my favorite authors being portrayed as a proto-blogger (will Orwell's personal minutia be more readable than the typical blog's?? I sure hope so!). I've got my feed reader set for the 9th!